Six UX Design Stats That Might Surprise You

If you maintain a company website or offer a web or mobile application to customers as an engagement tool or to your employees for collaboration, you are probably aware of just how critical UX design is in the online world today. As user expectations for a seamless, simple experience continue to grow—especially for products or services with complex functionality—UX becomes an increasingly critical component of success.

Reading about the importance of UX design, however, is different than seeing it represented by facts and statistics. Even if you’re already devoting time and attention to creating a seamless user experience within your product, these six statistics may open your eyes to the importance of how UX can play a key role in business success today:

  1.  57% of customers say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site and 40 percent have turned to a competitor’s site after a bad experience—“The Mobile Playbook,” Google
  2. 54% of consumers avoid big brand apps, as they see them as just a one way marketing tool—“14 revealing mobile stats from January 2015 – March 2015,” Econsultancy
  3. Mobile shoppers convert 160% more often on sites optimized specifically for smartphones—”Mobile 500,” Internet Retailer via NetElixir Inc.
  4. 97% of respondents cite “ease of use” as the main factor in selecting enterprise applications—“The State of Mobile Enterprise Collaboration 2014,”
  5. 95% of customers share bad customer service experiences and 87% share good customer service experiences with others—“The impact of customers service on customer lifetime value,” Zendesk/Dimensional Research
  6. By 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the most important brand differentiator—“Customers 2020: The Future of B-To-B Customer Experience,” Walker

These statistics illustrate several critical points about how important it is that organizations offer their customers and employees a high-quality user experience whether they are on desktop or mobile.

So what can you takeaway from this information?

  • One challenging or frustrating user interaction can cost you multiple customers, as that single encounter may cause that user to abandon your business and relay the negative experience to others, harming your credibility in the process.
  • Many organizations—big brands in particular—still have much work to do in getting customers to feel like their applications are built with users in mind.
  • Users expect applications and websites to be easy to use and optimized for both mobile and desktop devices; they will not tolerate anything less.

If UX design is not among your core competencies, it is perfectly understandable that the information you have just read may trigger a panic attack. However, in much the same way that you can turn to an IT services firm or marketing agency for assistance in an area that lies outside your expertise, a UX design company can help you give your users—whether they are customers or employees—a seamless experience.

If your users do not seem completely satisfied with the experience they are getting on your website or application—or you lack the data to make that determination—partnering with an agency can help you begin creating more engaging experiences for your customers thus, driving them toward your business goals.